
TeenagersGaming Administrator

From late 2019 to end of 2022, I was the administrator for the TeenagersGaming (TG) dedicated server, which ran multiple Minecraft servers on a proxy,  in addition to a Terraria server, Rust server, and others. TeenagersGaming was the official gaming branch of the subreddit r/teenagers, a community with over 2.1 million users, and where we get our users from.

The Minecraft server alone had over 20,000 unique joins, and has been an amazing experience. I have been the administrator since December 2019, where before I was a moderator on the precursor to TG, TeenGamingNights, since March 2019, which had a total of more than 13,000 unique users during my tenure.

r/teenagers Moderator

From July 2020 to Janurary 2023, I was been a moderator of the r/teenagers subreddit. 

However it was not a small task, r/teenagers is a very large community of over 2.1 million users subscribed, but is the 3rd most active subreddit. Yeah, its busy.


I've done other things too, just haven't gotten around to adding them here